AIMS Games Results Summary
After an exhilaratiing and action packed week, the 2024 AIMS Games have come to a close, marking another highly successful tournament.
Representing 394 schools, over 13,000 athletes from across New Zealand competed across 27 sports codes.
Somerville had an impressive showing with 109 students participating across 16 different sports codes. The children faced many challenges, one of which is to never give up. We witnessed special memories being made, team spirit and amazing sporting moments.
Congratulations to all the participants for their hard work and dedication! Somerville has much to be proud of from this year’s AIMS Games.
Thank you to the wonderful coaches and managers, as well as the many encouraging parents and family members who attended the games to support the students.
A special thanks to Shelley Pietersen, our PE/Sport Specialist teacher, for all her organisation and commitment to this annual sporting event.
To view a gallery of photos from AIMS, please click here.