School Donations & Activities
Pay your Donation and School Activities via Kindo
Donations for 2025
The School Board requests parents make a financial contribution at the beginning of each year. These funds enable the purchase of sports equipment, additional library books and information technology equipment, along with other items for the benefit of students.
This year the School Board have set the donation at $355.00. Requests for donations are sent early in the school year and a receipt will be issued via Kindo, our school's online payment system, for tax purposes.
All payments for donations and school activities should be paid through Kindo.
Activities that are directly related to the curriculum at our school (such as the Safekids first aid training and school swimming sports) are covered by the donation. These activities are a direct cost to the school and all students participate.
School Yearbook
The school yearbook is a separate cost of $29.00 and payment is required before the end of Term 3, to ensure your child receives a copy at the end of the school year. Our school yearbook in 2025 will be published in full colour.
Other activities will take place from time to time for example, sports team trips, Year 8 EOTC Day, Year 7 Camp fees and fundraising events, which will be charged separately. You will be notified in advance of the upcoming activities and whether they are included in the fee. Please note that in the event of non-payment, your child may be excluded from the activity.
Thank you for your support.