Sporting Opportunites
At Somerville, we believe that physical education and sport are important to physical well-being and the development of healthy attitudes towards co-operation and competition. We offer students the opportunity to participate in a variety of physical activities that fall into five general categories:
15 minutes three times a week. Activities include aerobics, running, walking and relay games designed to get all students involved and improve stamina, flexibility and agility.
Classroom PE
A 45 minute period each week to teach the skills students require to participate in sport, games and activities.
Year Level and Whole Whānau Sport
A 90 minute period each week when the group of classes meet for co-operative games and competition. Students can put the skills they have learnt into practice.
Lunchtime Sport
Interclass competitions are organised throughout the term. A variety of minor games are played and the emphasis is on participation of all class members and healthy competition.
South Eastern Zone Competition
The selection process for teams poses some challenges. It is not uncommon to have over 100 students wanting to trial for teams, however, numbers are restricted by the number of teams we are allowed to send through to each competition. Teachers/coaches make the final selections to send our school's strongest teams. Last year we had over 500 students representing our school at the South Eastern Zone competitions.
All major codes are included as well as many other sports such as equestrian, sailing, table tennis, golf etc. In order to offer more opportunities for the students, we are keen to involve parents (and others) coaching/managing teams. If you can help out at some time this year with your favourite sport, please contact the school office, phone 535 1070.
Trials for all South Eastern Zone competitions are advertised in the school's 'Daily Notices'. It is important that your child checks these notices each day for information regarding this competition.
2025 Sports Notices
AIMS Initial Information Letter
AIMS Games 2025
Tauranga NZ
Saturday 30th August - Friday 5th September
The AIMS games are the sporting highlight of the year.
Held in Tauranga in September each year, some of our best sports students compete against individuals or other teams from different Intermediate schools.
In 2024, Somerville Intermediate sent 109 students to compete in the Annual AIMS Games in Tauranga. This is a national event and hosts over 11,000 competitors who will compete in 23+ different sporting codes.
The AIMS Games mission
The sporting championships give 11, 12 and 13 year olds an opportunity to compete as an individual or in a team against the best of their age in 20+ different sports. Each of the sports offered are hosted in superb facilities where the best for their age will have the opportunity to perform at their best.
The aim of the event is to provide opportunities for the student in the middle years to compete at an elite level, be active, celebrate fair play and enjoy success and it is through events such as the NZCT AIMS GAMES that these students will be provided with challenges and the opportunity to perform to a high standard.
These are the sports disciplines
Badminton, Cross Country, Football, Futsal, Golf, Gym, Aerobics, Hockey, Indoor Bowls, Mountain Biking, Netball, Hip Hop, Rippa Rugby, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Yachting plus more sports see the website below.
2025 Totara Springs Sports Camp
Matamata NZ
2025 dates to be confirmed.
Totara Springs Sports Camp in Matamata is a week-long camp where students/teams compete in over 30 different sports, against 9 other schools.
Further information regarding Totara Springs Sports Camps is available on their website.