School Culture
Values & Ethics
We have a positive and inclusive school culture which is underpinned by strong values. This is represented by the mountain concept we have adopted for our school. A mountain has a solid, deep foundation and for Māori, there is a strong sense of identity with a mountain (maunga).
Our core values (ASPIRE):
Attitude | Service | Perseverance | Integrity | Respect | Excellence
provide the foundation on which we build rich learning opportunities to develop successful individuals and good citizens. We want our students to be secure in their identity and ASPIRE to fulfil their potential. The core and many co-curricular experiences available to our students are aimed at enabling them to thrive both individually, and collectively.
2022 has seen the appointment of our inaugural Whānau Prefects.

Arts/ Cultural
This Council is for students who are passionate about Art and Culture and want to build a legacy of rich experiences and tradition centered on a diverse view of our shared world.
This Council is for students who are passionate about Sport. This is not about building sporting prowess but a desire to build a legacy of exciting, inclusive and diverse physical experiences for everyone.
Hauora/ Wellbeing
This Council is for students who are passionate about leading experiences and initiatives that positively impact on the wellbeing of others and build on our legacy of being a whānau.
This Council is for students who are passionate about problem solving the needs of our school and wider community. Building a legacy of commitment, compassion and service.
A Positive Approach to Behaviour
We treat others the way we want to be treated.
We focus on desirable behaviour and attitudes through:
Having clear expectations
Rewarding and recognising appropriate behaviour and academic standards and Praising effort.
STAR (Somerville Totally Awesome Reward) Awards and merit certificates of various kinds are awarded for high standards of achievement, behaviour and consistent effort.
Rules are kept to a minimum but we do have firm expectations about manners, courtesy and appropriate behaviour. These will be rigorously enforced.
The school encourages and assists each student to develop positive work patterns and habits, particularly self-discipline, independence, responsibility, perseverance and honesty. Students are also encouraged to develop positive self-esteem, demonstrate respect and caring for him/herself and others. The school fosters respect for authority and care for the environment.
Discipline is the responsibility of each staff member. The deputy principals have particular responsibility for the pastoral care of students, but the ultimate decision for discipline rests with the principal and board of trustees. The school has an established discipline and guidance procedure, which includes a standard course of action for students whose behaviour causes concern.
STAR (Somerville Totally Awesome Reward) Awards and merit certificates of various kinds are awarded for high standards of achievement, behaviour and consistent effort.
Rules are kept to a minimum but we do have firm expectations about manners, courtesy and appropriate behaviour. These will be rigorously enforced.
The school encourages and assists each student to develop positive work patterns and habits, particularly self-discipline, independence, responsibility, perseverance and honesty. Students are also encouraged to develop positive self-esteem, demonstrate respect and caring for him/herself and others. The school fosters respect for authority and care for the environment.
Discipline is the responsibility of each staff member. The deputy principals have particular responsibility for the pastoral care of students, but the ultimate decision for discipline rests with the principal and board of trustees. The school has an established discipline and guidance procedure, which includes a standard course of action for students whose behaviour causes concern.