Absence & Lateness

Reporting an Absence

Good attendance is one of, if not the most important contributing factor for student success. Parents and guardians have legal obligations to ensure their children attend school. It is important, and a Ministry of Education requirement, that all absences are to be explained.

The school expects parents to:

  • notify the school if their child is going to be absent by email or phone, by 9.00 am

  • try to arrange appointments etc. outside school hours or during holidays

  • provide a medical certificate if their child is absent from school for more than three days (in line with MoE guidelines)

  • work with the school to manage any attendance issues.

If your child is absent or late for any reason, the school office MUST be notified, not the classroom teacher, to assist in the effective operation of the school's "check safe" system.

How to report an absence:

  • Use our absence form to report your child’s absence.

  • Download the @school app via the parent portal page, as it transfers the information directly into our school database. Please provide your child's name, room number and the reason for their absence or lateness.

  • Phone 535 1070 and press 2 in case you do not have access to the internet.

If your child does not arrive at school and you have not notified us of their absence, we will first text, and then phone you. Please be aware that if there is no response, your child will be marked as truant.


Reporting a Lateness

If a student is late to school, whatever the reason or the time of day, they must sign into school at Reception. This is to ensure that a student's whereabouts is known if there is a need to locate them.

Students signing in and out of school

Should a student need to leave school, they must sign out of school via Reception and this includes pre-arranged departures or illness. Should a student suddenly take ill, while at school, they need to visit the student administrator who will assess the need to go home and ensure that their attendance reflects exactly what has taken place.

Student Leave Requests

According to Ministry of Education guidelines, student leave/absence can be either justified or unjustified.

  • Justified leave may be for medical reasons, national/local representation in a sporting or cultural event in New Zealand or overseas; if a student is required to remain with a parent who has an overseas posting (military or diplomatic) or other reasons such as bereavement or exceptional family circumstances.

  • Unjustified leave includes holidays in term time or other absences that are explained, but not allowed, under the Ministry of Education guidelines. If the leave request extends a school term holiday, then it is generally unjustified.

Requests for non-school related leave of one day or more during the school year must be addressed to the Principal (via the Principal's Secretary) at least two weeks before the start of proposed leave, unless under urgent circumstances (eg bereavement). Please give the dates of proposed absence from school and the purpose of the leave. Applications for planned absences (leave) will be considered individually.

Students Leaving During the School Day

We try to minimise disruptions to classes during the day. If students have to leave during school hours, we would appreciate parents/caregivers arranging collection of students just prior to the following times:

Morning Interval - 10.20 am

Lunch - 12.20 pm

At Somerville Intermediate, students are encouraged to take responsibility for themselves. Students need to know in advance what time they will be leaving during the day and excuse themselves from class, go to the office, where they will sign themselves out and wait in reception to be collected.

Your support in ensuring minimal iterruptions to students’ learnbiung during the school day is much appreciated.

Change of Contact Details

Please advise the school office by phoning 535 1070 or emailing office@somint.school.nz of any change of contact details.