
Aoraki Whānau

We are AORAKI, the highest point in New Zealand.
We are represented by purple, the colour of the mountain lupins.
Our bird is the Karearea, and our charity is Kidscan.
Our whakatauki - Matatuu Whakarewahia
'Reaching new heights'

We lift people up so that they can achieve their best - secure in who they are, as they strive to reach new heights.

Whānau Members

Year 7

Room 15 Tracy McHatton (Whānau Leader)
Room 16 Kaitlyn Gunn
Room 14 Alana Stewart
Room 13 Edward Gee

Year 8

Room 11 Mike Dibben (Whānau Leader)
Room 12 Jiaqi Shao
Room 10 Eileen Potgieter
Room 9 Leslie Govender

Kawarau Whānau

We are KAWARAU, the range of many points, rather than a lone mountain.
We are represented by slate, the colour of the mountain schist.
Our bird is the Kea and our charity is Keep New Zealand Beautiful.
Our whakatauki - Kia kotahi ai
'To be as one'

We are united - together we achieve what we cannot achieve on our own.

Whānau Members

Year 7

Room 32 Susan Naylor (Whānau Leader)
Room 31 Debbie Eagle and Hayley Caulton
Room 34 Jessica Clayton
Room 35 Caleb Brown

Year 8

Room 29 Sally Shabbot (Whānau Leader)
Room 30 Rebecca Thomas
Room 28 Danyon Haskett
Room 27 Louise Conolly 

Rangitoto Whānau

We are RANGITOTO, the largest local volcano.
We are represented by the colour red as the translation of Rangitoto is 'Blood Sky'.
Our bird is the Kaka and our charity is Sustainable Coastlines.
Our whakatauki - Waiho i te toipoto, kua i te toiroa
'Let us keep close together not far apart'
We value the Māori concept of 'tuakana teina' - guardianship and caring reciprocal relationships. 

Whānau Members

Year 7

Room 18 Rosy Gramani
Room 17 Paul Knight
Room 2 Alex Sharma
Room 1 Kris Jochimsen

Year 8

Room 5 Dave Beehre
Room 6 Megan Hoo
Room 7 Donna Bowler
Room 8 Andrew Lee

Ruapehu Whānau

We are RUAPEHU, the highest mountain in the North Island.
We are represented by blue, the colour of the mountain lake.
Our bird is the Tui and our charity is I Am Hope.
Our whakatauki - Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu
'Adorn the bird with many feathers so it may soar'
By developing as a whole person, we discover our strengths - using our capabilities to support others unites us and makes us stronger.

Whānau Members

Year 7

Room 21 Celeste Sachs (Whānau Leader)
Room 22 Ashley Dormehl
Room 20 Alana Stonex
Room 19 Ezabelle Els

Year 8

Room 23 Andy Hamilton (Whānau Leader)
Room 24 Mellisa Ragavan
Room 25 Linda Le Verne
Room 26 Kelly Hales