Learner Profile
Learning focuses on academic knowledge and skills, as well as, the development of capabilities, competencies and dispositions (āheitanga) that are essential for lifelong success.
The Somerville Learner Profile encapsulates the capabilities/āheitanga below that evidenced-based research shows are essential to thrive in life:
Awareness of Self and Others
Adaptive and Productive Thinker
Communication and Collaboration
Culturally and Socially Responsive
Curriculum Design
Students experience learning that is engaging, relevant and meaningful which is achieved through our trans-disciplinary school curriculum. Learning is designed to ensure students make authentic connections across the curriculum and with our local environment. Academic rigour, conceptual understanding, critical inquiry and capabilities/åheitanga are all integrated.
In addition to dedicated time each day for English and mathematics, our transdisciplinary learning creates opportunities to integrate reading, writing and mathematics across the curriculum, providing optimal time for students to develop core knowledge and skills.
We place an emphasis on developing a sense of belonging and connection to our school and community. The cultural capital that all our students bring to their learning is respected and incorporated, along with an understanding of our heritage/whakapapa, regard for our local iwi and Mātauranga Māori (Māori world view, perspectives, creativity and cultural practices). All students learn Te Reo.
Our curriculum is broad and future focused and we strategically plan and resource learning in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) subjects. Partnerships with organisations in our wider community and industries are aimed at supporting our students to successfully navigate a fast-changing environment and develop critical STEAM-related skill sets.