Aspiring Centre


Some learners require additional support in a small group setting to accelerate their learning while those with exceptional abilities require learning that extends beyond the expectations for their year level.

At Somerville, we are fortunate to have an Aspiring centre that caters for both gifted and talented children, as well as children who need extra support.


To provide extension learning opportunities for a group of learners who have exceptional abilities, including those who are twice-exceptional.


Students develop independent learning skills through explicit instruction in research, organisation, and related strategies. These skills are then applied in rich, open-ended tasks that encourage choice, self-direction, and deeper thinking. Additionally, opportunities are provided for students to demonstrate both divergent and convergent thinking.


Students develop their mathematical thinking by articulating, recording, and representing their conjectures with logical reasoning and critical thinking. They apply their knowledge and skills to complex, multi-level tasks that integrate multiple strands and concepts at Phase 4. Additionally, students in Matrix classes participate in Olympiads such as APSMO and Otago Problem Solving, with specialised training and the opportunity to be selected for the school Mathex team.

Extension Programmes

The following classes are offered as extension programmes:

  • Students who show exceptional ability in mathematics are selected for Matrix classes, where they are challenged to think deeply as they develop and apply new knowledge and skills across a range of learning experiences. These students also compete in mathematics olympiads.

  • These classes involve the explicit teaching of literacy and critical thinking skills at a Year 9 and 10 level. Students will apply these skills through a variety of projects and assignments. The focus is on the development of autonomous, self-directed learners.

  • For our passionate and able writers, these classes offer a chance to further develop their skills and personal voice. They are challenged to write for a variety of purposes and audiences.

  • The Ethics Olympiad provides schools with a unique opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking, collaboration and communication. Students work as a tea to analyse and discuss real-life and timely, ethical issues. They respond to the questions and critique their own and others’ arguments. Judges award points on the basis of clear, concise, critical and collaborative thinking.

  • During these sessions, students are taught a variety of skills and then given a chance to work through scenarios designed to promote science, engineering and problem solving. Teams are selected to compete in a whānau competition.

Support Programmes


To provide additional support for a group of learners who require targeted intervention to overcome barriers to their learning in order to make accelerated progress in literacy and mathematics.


Deliberate and intensive focus on structured literacy approaches, including building knowledge and skills with vocabulary, spelling and word morphology, to support a lift in the students’ encoding and decoding ability. This in turn reduces cognitive load and equips students with the tools necessary to access information and improve comprehension.

Mathematics and Statistics

Deliberate and intensive focus on developing mathematical and statistical vocabulary that underpins conceptual understanding, enhances problem-solving comprehension, and fosters mathematical discourse, including critical thinking.

English as Second or Other Language (ESOL)


Learners with English as a second language need targeted support to develop language skills in order to succeed academically and develop socially.


To provide differentiated language learning experiences that support students’ integration into mainstream classes and help them reach their full academic potential.