Kāhui Ako/Communities of Learning (CoL)
Waipaparoa Kāhui Ako
Kāhui Ako/Communities of Learning (CoL) are groups of schools that come together to raise achievement for students. This is achieved by sharing expertise in teaching and learning, supporting each other and working together to make students' journeys from Primary through to Secondary school easier.
Students will benefit from the collaboration of teachers across schools and the sharing of best practices. Shared goals for the Kāhui Ako, based on students' educational needs across the schools, would further support students' learning, mean more consistency for students and ensure smoother transitions for students between schools.
Somerville Intermediate School is a part of the Waipaparoa Kāhui Ako.
2025 Achievement Challenges
Mathematics and Statics
* Attendance through the lens of the impact on English and Mathematics achievement
Āheitanga (monitoring)
Āheitanga refers to capabilities, competency and dispositions. Āheitanga underpin all teaching and learning across all subject areas and can be taught, practised and strengthened over time to maximise opportunities for ākonga to achieve success in their learning and be critical, informed and responsible citizens.
The four overarching āheitanga across all Kāhui Ako schools are:
Awareness of Self and Others
Adaptive and Productive Thinker
Communication and Collaboration
Culturally and Socially Responsive
Students at Somerville are explicitly taught and modelled these capabilities, competencies and dispositions, to support them in achieving academically. Students develop the skills at being active reflectors and leaders of their own learning.
We have 13 schools in our Kāhui Ako:
Somerville Intermediate School
Cockle Bay Primary
Shelly Park Primary
Point View Primary School
Willowbank Primary School
Howick College
Botany Downs Secondary College
Baverstock Oaks Primary School
BestStart Baverstock Oaks
Cockle Bay Private Kindergarten
Dannemora Kindergarten
Somerville Kindergarten
Uxbridge Early Learning Centre