Parent Partnership
Your helping Hand
We do not have an active PTA, however, parent participation is welcomed and encouraged. Specific requests for assistance may be included from time to time in the school newsletter or via the class.
Assistance with cataloguing or covering books in the library, with coaching or supervising sports teams and with special programmes such as reading support is valued. Some teachers also welcome parent help in the classroom.
If you would like to assist in any of these areas or have skills you feel may benefit the school please contact the school office.
From time to time we hold parent education evenings on events/programmes regarding curriculum, child growth and development.
Communication with Parents
It is school policy to keep parents well informed of the school's activities. Newsletters will be emailed home to parents each fortnight. The Board of Trustees may also initiate notices from time to time.
Code of Conduct
There is a Code of Conduct for all parents, caregivers and visitors to the school. The school's board has set this Code of Conduct as a condition of entry. To view, please click on the download below.
Reporting to Parents
The school reports the progress of students to parents and caregivers at regular intervals during the school year. Specific dates will be notified through the school newsletter.
Term 1
Early in the term a 'School/Parent/Whānau Partnership Evening' is held. School programmes and classroom expectations are shared with parents.
At the end of term one we have individual interviews.
Term 2
End of term two reports and a link to our student portal 'Spotlight', are sent home.
Term 3
Parent teacher interviews are held early in Term 3.
Term 4
At the end of the term, reports summarising the year's work are sent home.
Any concerns regarding a child's progress or behaviour should be addressed initially to the class teacher and lead teacher. If a problem persists it may be necessary to discuss it with the appropriate associate principal or for serious cases, directly with the principal.
Support for Parents
The Parenting Place
The Parenting Place is a super organisation that works in so many ways within Aotearoa, this link will take you to many of their current articles, from home-based learning, to how to communicate with our children in their middle years.
Skylight Grief and Loss
Skylight Grief and Loss Services have many super articles to read that cover a wide range of topics that support family life from instance resilience during tough times to grief and loss for middle years.
Downloadable Resources
During times of great change or trauma, children’s mental well-being can suffer. Helping them to understand and talk about their emotions is a good way to open dialogue and start dealing with difficult situations.
For children to be aware of the feelings of being energised and relaxed, and to learn to calm themselves when they need to.