Year 8 EOTC - Payment now due
These EOTC days were enormously successful last year, with students experiencing the thrill of learning to pop up on a surfboard, learning about surf safety and participating in collaborative beach challenges. Our providers, ‘Aotearoa Surf’, are highly experienced and will ensure a fun-filled, safe and successful day for all involved.
Our Year 8 Surf Experience begins next week, with eight classes heading to Orewa Beach and the final eight classes the following week. Thank you very much to those parents who have volunteered their time to join the students on these days. It simply could not go ahead without your support. Thank you also to all those who have paid for this activity.
The cost for the opportunity to participate in this EOTC activity is $75.00 per student. If you have not yet paid for your child to participate, please do so via Kindo by Wednesday 26 February. All information pertaining to the surf programme is available on our website.