Parent/Teacher Interviews
Parent/teacher interviews will be held on Thursday 20 March from 12.50 pm - 8.00 pm.
There will be a provision for face to face interviews from 12.50 - 3.00 pm and 5.50 - 8.00 pm, and online interviews from 3.00 - 5.00 pm.
Interview times will be made through an online booking system. Go to enter one of the following school event codes:
Face to Face Interviews
12.50 - 3.00 pm and 5.50 - 8.00 pm: u8yr6
Online Interviews 3.00 - 5.00 pm: 7q25f
Aspiring Extension Interview Timeframes
Due to the high volume of interviews required to discuss learning with Nadine Mackereth, the Aspiring Extension Teacher, we have created a separate booking code for whānau to schedule a five-minute timeslot, starting from 10:40 am on Thursday 20th March.
The interview schedule is as follows:
Online interviews: 10.40 am – 12.00 pm and 1.00 pm – 5.00 pm (last booking at 4:50 pm)
Face-to-face interviews: 5.50 pm – 8.00 pm (last booking at 7.50 pm)
Please use the school event code vb2w3 to book these interviews.
Click "Go" and follow the instructions. You can change or cancel your interviews at any time by returning to and entering the appropriate school event code. Bookings will open at 3.00 pm on Monday 3 March.
Bookings will close at 3.00 pm on Monday 17 March 2025.
Students will be dismissed at 12.00 noon on Thursday 20 March. As usual students are required to go directly home after school. Go Bus and MOE buses will run at the usual time of 3.00 pm. For students who are unable to go home at 12.00 noon on the Thursday, supervision will be available at school. Please advise your child's teacher if this is required.
Interviews will be held in your child's classroom and the duration of each interview is 10 minutes. The smooth running of the event relies on all parents/caregivers keeping to their appointed time. Please consider other parents and end your meeting on time. If you need more time with a particular teacher, arrange a separate meeting or phone call for a later date.
Bookings (face to face or online) can also be made with Specialist, Aspiring and ESOL teachers. Please only book an appointment with these teachers if your child has been, or is currently attending classes with that teacher.
Face-to-face interviews with Kristyl Cooke, Aspiring Mathematics & Reading Support teacher, will be held on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 March from 12.30 pm - 6.00 pm in the Aspiring Centre. Please use school event code qxd8a for these interviews.